Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another Use for Duct Tape!

Going back to last Sunday I have logged runs of 9.7 miles, 6 miles, and 10 miles with an Arc Trainer work out mixed in. The 9.7 mile mile run was last Sunday and it was sunny but the temperature was about 15 degrees. Due to the temperature I opted to wear a pair of socks that I don't typically wear running because they are longer and thought they would be warmer. I am not sure if I can attribute it to the socks or the distance but I developed a couple of blisters on my right foot. I pushed through the end of the run with some discomfort but was more concerned about these blisters being an ongoing problem.

My next run was Wednesday when I headed out before dawn to get in six miles before work. I layered up as usual for the winter weather, lubed up the blisters with vaseline and headed out. It was certainly cold, as evidenced by the sweat coming through my running gloves turning to frost on the outside, although I didn't realize until later in the day that it was hovering around zero degrees at the time of my run. The cold didn't affect my run but with about 2 miles to go I was feeling the blisters all over again. Time to find a better solution.

I was scheduled to run 10 miles on Sunday and was nervous about the blisters. I did some research about the best treatment for blisters and unfortunately did not find a magic solution or at least a solution I had a lot of confidence in: band-aids? keep your shoes snug? vaseline? wear 2 pairs of socks?. Then I came across someone who recommended covering blisters with duct tape to eliminate the friction on the blisters. Duct a guy, that is a solution I can get behind. So before my 10 mile run I wrapped my foot with a couple turns of duct tape and set out. I didn't have any problems with the blisters until about mile 7 and finished strong with only minor discomfort, which was good for this run but probably will probably spell disaster after 26.2 miles....still need a better solution.

Only 2 weeks to go until the fundraising party on January 30th. I look forward to seeing so many family and friends in one place. I will also take advantage of being in Boston to run 12 miles of the actual marathon route which I am also looking forward to. Stay tuned!!

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