Saturday, November 21, 2009

Slow and Steady...Very Slow

Nothing too exciting to report these days. I have been working to slowly increase my running base as I get ready to officially start my training program in mid December, when I will really ramp up the miles. Unfortunately, following an early morning run this week, when it was 2o degrees, my knee started bothering me again. It looks like I will have to spend more time on the elliptical over the next couple weeks and work on more stretching and strengthening. My self diagnosis is illiotibial band syndrome.

Good news is that I have a previously scheduled appointment on December 1st with an orthapedic/sports medicine doctor....hopefully that will help get me, and my knee, on the right track. Otherwise, I will have a lot of this in my future:

On the fundraising front, I have spent some time getting my first round of letters and emails ready to go out, thank the lord for "mail merge". The plans for the party on January 30th are coming along well and we already have quite a few great auction items (red sox tix, bruins tix, a charter fishing trip, paintings, great themed gift baskets and more) and are always looking for more.

Good luck to all the turkey trotters out there this week!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I got my training started this week after a couple very light weeks, thanks to some knee trouble. I have self-diagnosed it as a sore IT Band...thanks to the power of the internet. I have an appointment scheduled with an orthapedic/sports medicine doctor on December 1st which will hopefully provide a good stretching/strengthening program to keep me healthy through all the training miles but after a couple weeks rest I am feeling good and ready to get things going. I am going to try doing about half of my runs on a treadmill or ArcTrainer to limit the miles I have to do on the pavement, hopefully keeping me healthy for the long haul. I ran a total of 10 miles this week with an 11 mile bike ride (albeit a stationary bike) thrown in....the knee feels great and I am feeling confident.

On the fundraising side. I need to get going on a letter/email campaign but happy to announce that there is a fundraising event (i.e. PARTY!!) scheduled for January 30th. It will be at the VFW in Abington and we already have a band booked. Many thanks to my sister Karen for all her efforts to pull this event together. Keep the date open and tell your friends, all are welcome. Last but not least, still looking for any donations to include in the silent auction for the party.

Stay tuned for more details on the event and training updates.